As a small business owner, you may be thinking of hiring a marketing agency or an internal marketing team to kick your profits into high gear. Before you start your research, have you considered looking into a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)?
If you’d like to explore the CMO idea, here are some helpful hints so that you know what you’re getting into and how you can get the most out of the experience.
What Does a CMO Do?
CMO’s plan, develop, implement and track the business marketing strategy for companies of all sizes. While they wear many hats, often they’re best known for being in charge of research, marketing, media buying, advertising, public relations, and social media.
If you have an internal marketing team or external agency, they may also guide them and ensure that the brand voice and strategy are consistent and properly used across all channels.
How Can a CMO Help Your Small Business?
Often, small business owners find themselves handling marketing themselves. This takes them away from what they’re good at, like creating and delivering a product or service. By giving someone the responsibility of marketing your product or service, you free yourself up for the tasks that you’re best at.
Additionally, a CMO can:
- Provide a much-needed consultant for the way you speak about the brand
- Research, develop and steer your brand strategy
- Get buy-in from your entire team on the direction of the brand
- Take over the management of some of your direct reports
- Lead innovation and transformation
- Give counsel when it comes to critical decisions
- Manage the day-to-day marketing needs and bring you in only for the big decisions
What’s the Difference Between a CMO and an Outsourced CMO?
Hiring someone to fill your CMO position takes time, money and energy that you may not have. After all, one of the main reasons for this position is to take some job functions off your plate to give you more time for what you actually need to do, as well as increase your profits.
An outsourced CMO functions as a consultant for your brand’s strategy and marketing. Plus, they handle all of their duties with a much smaller price tag.
Want to Learn More?
You’ve put plenty of sweat equity, hours and money into your small business. As you continue to grow, you often find yourself wearing hats you never intended – or wanted – to wear.
If marketing is one of those roles you’re ready to hand over, Bold Entity is the outsourced CMO solution. We’re a Dallas-based integrated marketing agency that helps privately-owned businesses in the B2B and service-based space to achieve more profitable results.
Beyond our skills in research and planning, we also can deliver dynamic creative campaigns, thanks to our team of experts, made up of Bold Entity’s internal team and specialized contractors.
To learn how we can save you time and money – as well as generate actual results – contact us today.