
10 Years of Bold Entity

CEO & Founder Valerie Jimenez talks about the last decade’s feelings, history, struggles, and triumphs. Plus, where Bold Entity will be in another 10 years

Bold Entity has reached ten years in business. This level of milestone comes with plenty of emotions, memories and deep thoughts. 

It wasn’t until I heard Simon Sinek talking about how business should always be approached as an infinite game that I was able to truly reflect on what this anniversary means. 

If you haven’t read or heard Sinek’s infinite game theory, let me sum it up quickly. There’s no such thing as winners or losers in business. Competitors no longer exist. What does is a cycle of continuous evolution. Now, instead of establishing rivalries, you gain respect for your former competition. 

In this infinite game, there’s nothing to win or lose unless you stop learning from the past and adapting for the future. That means pandemics and economic downturns are simply challenges to evolve past. 

As I listened to Sinek speak and thought back on the last ten years of Bold Entity, I realized the infinite game is exactly what I’ve come to believe, preach, and teach here. We’ve seen so many changes – platforms come and go, approaches tried and failed – but have emerged on the other side different from where we started. And that’s exactly how things should be. 

I’ve lost track of what agency model we’re on now, but I can remember what worked – and what didn’t – each time we adapted our marketing techniques and strategies. If I’m sure of anything, it’s we’ll go through just as many, if not more, in the months and years to come. 

All this change comes at a price. I’m not certain work/life balance and peace of mind truly exist. And the process of continually reinventing ourselves for the needs of our clients might seem endless some days. 

But you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

That’s because I’ve learned how to welcome change without feeling the need to control it. Instead of fearing ambiguity, I revel in it, because I’ve grown in confidence. I’ve discovered an almost child-like joy in experimenting and learning from the process. 

That’s never been more true than right now. 

With all respect to those suffering in these uncertain times, this crisis is what Bold Entity was made for. This is an opportunity to challenge our skills and learn some new ones. To leverage our passion for marketing and work together to keep our economy thriving. 

Marketers often ask about the why. The mission, the purpose, and the reason behind a company. Ours is quite simple. We’re here to ignite growth for the companies we work with. That’s because we believe in their leaders. We believe they’ll fairly distribute the money we help them earn. And we hope the wealth we create for them will be paid back to their employees and community. The more prosperity we create for them, the more there is for us all. 

Of all my investments, the most lucrative are the ones I’ve made with people. I have a genuine desire to see them thrive. And that’s one of the many reasons why I feel the future of our team is bright. That includes every member of our team, from the internal group to our contract and consulting teams, coaches, advisors, partners, and brand advocates. 

The last decade has had highs and lows. But through it all, we’ve dared to live our BOLD philosophy. We’ll do the same for the next ten years, too. We’ll do it with a positive attitude. We’ll do it by embracing change. And we’ll do it by making client success our success.

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